Friday, December 15, 2023


Lay the pieces out for inspection,

neatly arranged by type and size.

Select matching parts.

Assemble supports.

Gently stretch delicate skin 

across the framework 

we have constructed together.

Secure the string.

Connect heaven and earth through humanity,

and soar 

on the ocean breeze at twilight.

The pounding surf laps at your shore like a greedy orphan

chewing away the boundary between sea and land.

While our hearts ride the wind with the kites

we carve our joy in granite

and write our regrets in the sand.

The moment will expire

but we can examine the corpse

to gather some cold comfort

some lonely day when wonder

seems like every other lie we save for children.

But right now it doesn’t take work

Light, unrestrained

Yearns through the void

To kiss your face

And die in my eyes

And the string pulls and sometimes it burns

The kite will do what the kite will do

and it will fall when it falls

despite our desire and karma.

We just hold tight

enjoying the night,


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